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Error Handling

Error handling is a crucial aspect of developing robust web apps. In webforJ, error handling is designed to be flexible and customizable, allowing developers to handle exceptions in a way that best suits their app's needs.


In webforJ, error handling revolves around the ErrorHandler interface. This interface allows developers to define how their app should respond when exceptions occur during execution. By default, webforJ provides a GlobalErrorHandler that handles all exceptions in a generic way. However, developers can create custom error handlers for specific exceptions to provide more tailored responses.

Discovering and using error handlers

webforJ uses Java's Service Provider Interface (SPI) to discover and load error handlers.

Discovery process

  1. Service Registration: Error handlers are registered via the META-INF/services mechanism.
  2. Service Loading: On app startup, webforJ loads all classes listed in META-INF/services/com.webforj.error.ErrorHandler.
  3. Error Handling: When an exception occurs, webforJ checks if an error handler exists for that specific exception.

Handler selection

  • If a specific handler for the exception exists, it is used.
  • If no specific handler is found, but a custom global error handler WebforjGlobalErrorHandler is defined, it is used.
  • If neither is found, the default GlobalErrorHandler is used.

The ErrorHandler Interface

The ErrorHandler interface is designed to handle errors that occur during the execution of a webforJ app. Applications that want to manage specific exceptions should implement this interface.


  • onError(Throwable throwable, boolean debug): Called when an error occurs. This method should contain the logic for handling the exception.
  • showErrorPage(String title, String content): A default method that displays the error page with the given title and content.

Naming convention

The implementing class must be named after the exception it handles, with the suffix ErrorHandler. For example, to handle NullPointerException, the class should be named NullPointerExceptionErrorHandler.


The custom error handler must be registered in the META-INF/services/com.webforj.error.ErrorHandler file so that webforJ can discover and utilize it.

Implementing a custom error handler

The following steps detail the implementation of a custom error handler for a specific exception:

Step 1: Create the error handler class

Create a new class that implements the ErrorHandler interface and is named after the exception it handles.

package com.example.error;

import com.webforj.error.ErrorHandler;

public class NullPointerExceptionErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {

public void onError(Throwable throwable, boolean debug) {
// Custom handling logic for NullPointerException
String title = "Null Pointer Exception";
String content = "A null value was encountered where an object is required.";

showErrorPage(title, content);
showErrorPage() method

The showErrorPage method is a utility method that utilizes the webforJ API to send the provided HTML content and page title to the browser, displaying an error page. When an exception occurs and the app is unable to recover, it becomes impossible to use webforJ components to build a custom error page. However, the Page API remains accessible, allowing the developer to redirect or display an error page as a final attempt.

Step 2: Register the error handler

Create a file named com.webforj.error.ErrorHandler inside the META-INF/services directory of your app. Add the fully qualified name of your error handler class to this file.

File: META-INF/services/com.webforj.error.ErrorHandler


Now, whenever a NullPointerException is thrown, webforJ selects your registered handler and execute its logic to handle the error.

Using AutoService to simplify registration

It’s easy for developers to forget to update or correctly specify service descriptors. By using Google's AutoService, you can automate the generation of the META-INF/services/com.webforj.error.ErrorHandler file. All you need to do is annotate the error handler with the AutoService annotation. You can learn more about AutoService here.

public class NullPointerExceptionErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {

public void onError(Throwable throwable, boolean debug) {
// Custom handling logic for NullPointerException
String title = "Null Pointer Exception";
String content = "A null value was encountered where an object is required.";

showErrorPage(title, content);

The GlobalErrorHandler class

The GlobalErrorHandler is the default error handler provided by webforJ. It implements the ErrorHandler interface and provides generic error handling.


  • Logging: Errors are logged to both the server and browser consoles.
  • Error Page Display: Depending on the debug mode, the error page displays the stack trace or a generic error message.

Defining a custom global error handler

To define a global error handler, you need to create a new error handler named WebforjGlobalErrorHandler. then follow the steps to register error handlers as explained previously. In this case, webforJ first look for any custom error handlers to manage exceptions. If none are found, webforJ falls back to the custom global error handler.


If multiple WebforjGlobalErrorHandler are registerd then webforJ selects the first one