🗃️ Fields
7 items
🗃️ Lists
3 items
🗃️ Option Dialogs
5 items
🗃️ Table
8 items
📄️ AppLayout
The AppLayout is a comprehensive responsive layout component that provides a header, a footer, a drawer, and content section. The header and footer are fixed, the drawer slides in and out of the viewport, and the content is scrollable.
📄️ Button
A Button component is a fundamental user interface element used in application development to create interactive elements that trigger actions or events when clicked or activated. It serves as a clickable element that users can interact with to perform various actions within an application or website.
📄️ CheckBox
The CheckBox class creates a component that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user. When clicked, a check mark appears inside the box, to indicate an affirmative choice (on). When clicked again, the check mark disappears, indicating a negative choice (off).
📄️ ColumnsLayout
The ColumnsLayout component in webforJ allows developers to create layouts using a flexible and responsive vertical layout. This layout provides dynamic columns that adjust based on the available width. This component simplifies the creation of multi-column layouts by automatically managing breakpoints and alignments.
📄️ Dialog
The webforJ dialog component is built to allow a developer to quickly and easily display a dialog on their application, for instances such as a login menu or information box.
📄 ️ Drawer
The drawer is a container that slides into the viewport to expose additional options and information. Multiple drawers can be created in an application, and they will be stacked above each other.
📄️ Icons
The ` provides methods for displaying a UI icon. An icon is a unelectable SVG image that represents an application, a capability, or some other concept or specific entity with meaning for the user. There are several icons pools that the user can choose from, which will be loaded from a CDN on demand. The following list of pools are available to use out of the box in Button` components:
📄️ FlexLayout
webforJ provides developers with an efficient and intuitive way to layout their various applications and components - the Flex Layout. This toolset allows for items to be displayed either vertically or horizontally.
📄️ Google Charts
To use the GoogleChart class in your app, use the following XML in your POM file:
📄️ Login
The Login component is designed to provide a and user-friendly interface for authentication, allowing users to log in using a username and password. It supports various customizations to enhance user experience across different devices and locales.
📄️ Navigator
The Navigator component is a customizable pagination component designed to navigate through data sets, supporting multiple layouts. You can configure it to display various navigation controls such as first, last, next, and previous buttons, along with page numbers or a quick jump field depending on the layout setting.
📄️ ProgressBar
ProgressBar is component that visually displays the progress of some task. As the task progresses towards completion, the progress bar displays the task's percentage of completion. This percentage is represented visually by a rectangle which starts out empty and gradually becomes filled in as the task progresses. In addition, the progress bar can display a textual representation of this percentage.
📄️ RadioButton
The RadioButton class creates an object that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user. By convention, only one radio button in a group can be selected at a time. Radio buttons are commonly used when mutually exclusive options are available, allowing the user to choose a single option from a set of choices.
📄️ RadioButtonGroup
The RadioButtonGroup class is used to group related radio buttons together, which helps establish the mutual exclusivity among the options within that group. Users can select only one radio button within a given radio group. When a user selects a radio button within a group, any previously selected radio button in the same group automatically becomes deselected. This ensures that only one option can be chosen at a time.
📄️ Slider
Upper and Lower Limit
📄️ Splitter
The Splitter component, designed to divide and resize content within your app, encapsulates two resizable components: the master and the detail components. A divider separates these components, allowing users to dynamically adjust each component's size according to their preferences.
📄️ TabbedPane
The TabbedPane class provides a compact and organized way of displaying content that is divided into multiple sections, each associated with a Tab. Users can switch between these sections by clicking on the respective tabs, often labeled with text and/or icons. This class simplifies the creation of multifaceted interfaces where different content or forms need to be accessible but not simultaneously visible.