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Editing and Refreshing

Editing data within the Table works via interaction with the Repository containing the data for the Table. The Repository serves as a bridge between the Table and the underlying dataset, offering methods for data retrieval, modification, and refreshing. Below is an example which implements behavior to edit the "Title" of a desired row based.

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In the above example, the TitleEditorComponent class facilitates the editing of the "Title" field for a selected MusicRecord. The component includes an input field for the new title, along with "Save" and "Cancel" buttons.

To connect the editing component with the Table, an "Edit" button is added to the Table via a VoidElementRenderer. Clicking this button triggers the edit() method of the TitleEditorComponent, allowing users to modify the "Title".

Commit Method

Once the user modifies the title and clicks the "Save" button, the TitleEditorComponent triggers the save() method. This method updates the title of the corresponding MusicRecord and dispatches a custom SaveEvent.

The real-time update of data in the repository is achieved through the commit() method. This method is employed within the onSave event listener, ensuring that changes made through the editing component are reflected in the underlying dataset.

The commit() method is called to notify all interested components that the data has been changed. The Table catches the RepositoryCommitEvent, and updates based on the new data.