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Navigation Events

In addition to component-specific lifecycle events, you can register global event listeners at the router level. This allows for tracking navigation globally across the entire app, making it useful for logging, analytics, or other cross-cutting concerns.

Example: Global navigation listener

Router.getCurrent().addNavigateListener(event -> {
Location location = event.getLocation();
console().log("Navigated to: " + location.getFullURI());

In this example, a global listener is registered to log every navigation event in the app. This is useful for auditing or tracking page views.

Registering Global lifecycle event listeners

Global listeners can be attached to various lifecycle events, including:

  • WillEnterEvent: Fired before any route's component is attached to the DOM.
  • DidEnterEvent: Fired after a component is attached to the DOM.
  • WillLeaveEvent: Fired before a component is detached from the DOM.
  • DidLeaveEvent: Fired after a component is detached from the DOM.
  • NavigateEvent: Fired every time navigation occurs.
Using Observers to Hook into Lifecycle Events

You can also hook into the lifecycle events using observers. For more details, refer to the Lifecycle Observers.

Example: Global WillLeaveEvent listener

Router.getCurrent().addWillLeaveListener(event -> {
ConfirmDialog.Result result = showConfirmDialog(
"Are you sure you want to leave this view?",
"Leave View",

event.veto(result == ConfirmDialog.Result.CANCEL);

In this case, the WillLeaveEvent is used globally to show a confirmation dialog before the user navigates away from any view.