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Lifecycle Observers

Observers allow components to react to lifecycle events by implementing interfaces for specific stages. This pattern ensures a clean separation of concerns and simplifies handling navigation logic.

Available observers

  • WillEnterObserver: Allows you to handle tasks before a route is entered, such as fetching necessary data or blocking navigation.
  • DidEnterObserver: Ideal for handling actions after the component has been attached, such as rendering data or triggering animations.
  • WillLeaveObserver: Provides a way to manage logic before a user leaves a route, such as checking for unsaved changes.
  • DidLeaveObserver: Used for cleanup actions or other tasks that should run after a component is detached from the DOM.

Example: Authentication with WillEnterObserver

@Route(value = "dashboard")
public class DashboardView extends Composite<Div> implements WillEnterObserver {

public void onWillEnter(WillEnterEvent event, ParametersBag parameters) {
boolean isAuthenticated = authService.isAuthenticated();

if (!isAuthenticated) {

Here, onWillEnter checks if the user is authenticated. If not, the navigation is vetoed, preventing the navigation from being complete and redirecting to the login page instead.

Example of Authenticated Routes - Not Production-Ready

This previous is just an example of how to use authenticated routes. This Isn't an example how you'd write a production-level authentication system. You'll need to take the concepts and patterns used in this example and adapt then to work with your authentication flow/system for your app.

Example: fetching data on route entry with DidEnterObserver

@Route(value = "profile")
public class ProfileView extends Composite<Div> implements DidEnterObserver {

public void onDidEnter(DidEnterEvent event, ParametersBag parameters) {
String userId = parameters.get("userId").orElseThrow();
profile -> updateProfileUI(profile));

private void updateProfileUI(Profile profile) {
// Code to update the UI with profile data

This example demonstrates using DidEnterObserver to fetch and display profile data once the component is attached to the DOM.

Example: Handling unsaved changes with WillLeaveObserver

@Route(value = "edit-profile")
public class EditProfileView extends Composite<Div> implements WillLeaveObserver {
private boolean hasUnsavedChanges = false;

public EditProfileView() {
// Logic to detect unsaved changes

public void onWillLeave(WillLeaveEvent event, ParametersBag parameters) {

if(hasUnsavedChanges) {
ConfirmDialog.Result result = showConfirmDialog(
"There are unsaved changes. Do you want to discard or save them?",
"Unsaved Changes",

In this example, onWillLeave prompts the user with a confirmation dialog if there are unsaved changes, vetoing the navigation if the user chooses to stay.

Navigation Blocking and Veto Handling

For more information about blocking navigation, see Navigation Blocking and Veto Handling

Example: Cleanup with DidLeaveObserver

@Route(value = "notifications")
public class NotificationsView extends Composite<Div> implements DidLeaveObserver {

public void onDidLeave(DidLeaveEvent event, ParametersBag parameters) {

This example clears notifications after the user leaves the NotificationsView, using the DidLeaveObserver for cleanup.