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Shadow dwc-field
Java API

The TextField class is a Field component, and as such shares all of the commonalities belonging to a Field. Please refer to the Field documentation page for an overview of Field properties, events, and other important information.

The TextField component allows users to enter and edit text in a single line. It can be configured to display a specific virtual keyboard, such as a numeric keypad, email input, telephone input, or URL input. The component also provides built-in validation to reject values that do not adhere to the specified type.


The TextField is suitable for a wide range of scenarios where text input or editing is required. Here are some examples of when to use the TextField:

  1. Form Inputs: A TextField is commonly used in forms for capturing user input, such as names, addresses, or comments. It is best to use a TextField in these applications when the input is generally short enough to fit on one line.

  2. Search Functionality: TextField can be used to provide a search box, allowing users to input search queries.

  3. Text Editing: A TextField is ideal for applications that require text editing or content creation, such as document editors, chat applications, or note-taking apps.


The TextField class has three constructors:

  1. TextField(Type type, String label, String value): Creates a TextField with a given applicable type, a label, and a value.
  2. TextField(Type type, String label): Creates a TextField with a given applicable type and label.
  3. TextField(String label, String value): Creates a TextField with a given label and a value.
  4. TextField(Type type): Creates a TextField with a given applicable type.
  5. TextField(String label): Creates a TextField with a given label.
  6. TextField(): Creates a TextField without any provided information.


You can specify the type of the TextField using the setType method. Similarly, the type can be retrieved using the getType method, which will return an enum value.

  • Type.TEXT: This is the default value for a TextField, and automatically removes line breaks from the input value

  • Type.EMAIL: This configuration option is used for editing an email address. It has a relevant keyboard in supporting browsers and devices with dynamic keyboards.

  • Type.TEL: This option is used for entering a telephone number. The field will display a telephone keypad in some devices with dynamic keypads.

  • Type.URL: A field for entering a URL. It has a relevant keyboard in supporting browsers and devices with dynamic keyboards.

  • Type.SEARCH: A single-line text field for entering search strings. Line-breaks are automatically removed from the input value.

Placeholder Text

You can set placeholder text for the TextField using the setPlaceholder method. The placeholder text is displayed when the field is empty, helping to prompt the user to enter appropriate input into the TextField.

Selected Text

It is possible to interact with the TextField class to retrieve a user's selected text, and to get information about the user's selection. You can retrieve the selected text in the TextField using the getSelectedText method. This behavior would commonly be used in conjunction with an event. Similarly, it is possible to retrieve the current selection range of the TextField using the getSelectionRange method. This returns a SelectionRange object representing the start and end indices of the selected text.

Best Practices

The following section outlines some suggested best practices for utilization of the TextField.

  1. Provide Clear Labels and Instructions: Label the TextField clearly to indicate the type of information users should enter. Consider providing additional instructional text or placeholder values to guide users and set expectations for the required input.

  2. Spell Checking and Auto-Complete: When applicable, consider utilizing spellcheck and/or autocomplete functionality to the TextField. These features can help users input information faster and reduce errors by providing suggested values based on previous inputs or predefined options.

  3. Consider Accessibility: Utilize the TextField component with accessibility in mind, adhering to accessibility standards such as proper labeling, keyboard navigation support, and compatibility with assistive technologies. Ensure that users with disabilities can interact with the TextField effectively.